Borealis GeoPower received an overwhelming amount support for its Canoe Reach Geothermal project at the BC Government's debate on geothermal energy. Michelle Mungal, Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources, stated today that
"The Borealis project — as I’m very happy to see that members from all sides of the House agree — is a positive project and a good opportunity for British Columbia, if they are able to prove up any exploration that they’re able to do of the geothermal resource. As I mentioned, there has been past exploration of geothermal resources in B.C. that have not been able to prove up a sufficient resource to generate electricity. We’re hoping that that may change with Borealis. That being said, as I’ve said to members already, I cannot discuss cabinet agendas, but the due diligence around this project has been done. Our ministry, our government, is very supportive of it, and we look forward to continue working with them into the future." Comments are closed.
November 2023