Borealis Geopower spent June-August near Terrace, BC exploring their permit area and collecting valuable field data and information. The field exploration team included Borealis’s Craig Dunn and Ashley Derry, as well as two students from the University of Victoria, Ryan McQueen and Tercio Nunes.
The field exploration itself was a combination of non-invasive techniques that sampled various characteristics of the environment throughout the expansive area of the permit, yielding multiple valuable datasets. Water well sampling was also conducted as part of the exploration program, which provided an incredible opportunity to engage with members of the community to sample their private water wells and a chance to not only discuss the geothermal project, but also to get to know the people on a personal basis. Borealis was moved by the welcoming and supportive attitude of those community members that we had the opportunity to meet and would like to thank every one of them for their help and kindness. The Regional District of Kitimat Stikine (RDKS) was especially helpful in allowing us access to their own monitoring wells, and providing very valuable support to help us to complete our program. We would also like to thank the City of Terrace, the Terrace Airport, BC Parks and the local business community for their support, and especially our project partners, the Kitselas First Nation and Enbridge Alternative and Emerging Technologies. Borealis is excited to keep moving toward developing a successful geothermal project in the Terrace area. Comments are closed.
November 2023